Psychosocial Work Environment and Well-being – a Healthy Working Life in Balance.

We contribute and support you and your company in your work to create a healthy working life in balance with an increased focus on psychosocial work environment, well-being, job satisfaction and with room for diversity.

Maintaining and creating an organisation in balance requires courage, will and insight into cultural, organisational and interpersonal factors, all of which must fit together to achieve a healthy working life in balance.

The balance between self-determination and adaptation to the organisation is in constant motion – and it requires continuous insight and effort to maintain the balance. Without knowledge of what is going on in the organisation – both at C-level and on the ground floor – we will not succeed in creating a healthy organisation based on healthy values, trust, meaning, cooperation and respect.

Elevate Organisations, Working Environments, and Cultures to thee Next Level

We must deal with the basic values and assumptions that form the framework for most organisations. When we can see and understand them, we can lift organisations, environments and cultures to the next level, where we not only participate in terms of our job, but with increased awareness, we and the organisation make each other better – creating better well-being, culture and psychological working environment.

How do you and your organisation get started on this journey? We can facilitate that you create or adapt your organisation so that it can be more balanced and thus be a healthier organisation with room for more nuances, differences, influence and new ways of working and collaborating.

HJORT & FRØIK’s approach to psychosocial work environment and well-being

Our approach is based on the latest research in the field from e.g. The Danish National Research Center for Work Environment (NFA), where it is known that a good psychological working environment can reduce sickness absence and increase job satisfaction and well-being. A good place to start the work is by expanding the statutory APV measurements with questions regarding the psychological working environment. Here it is recommended to use the freely available questionnaire from NFA, which uncovers the psychological working environment and well-being. The APV measurement can help to give an indication of where there is room for improvement in the interaction between the psychological working environment, employee well-being and task solving at the workplace.

Figure: The interplay between psychosocial work environment, well-being and task execution – an interaction which, through targeted and continuous effort, can lead your workplace into the middle of the figure, where the psychosocial work environment, the employees’ well-being at work and the employees’ opportunities to perform their work tasks merge into one higher unity. (source: Thomas Clausen og Johan Simonsen Abildgaard, 2024)

We help you to make a focussed effort

The further work with specifying and clarifying the specific challenges and issues that may lie in the interaction can be very extensive. Therefore, it is important to prioritise and target the specific actions that can provide the greatest value. This work is very time- and resource-intensive and is close to what you can call a cultural analysis, where the problems you have spotted and can immediately understand are often not related to the root causes – (follow this link under point 3, Organizational Culture, to read more about Edgar Schein’s iceberg model for organizational culture analysis)

In order to find out what the root causes are about, it requires a targeted effort and a controlled process measured in relation to time and resources. It can often be a good idea to make use of external help to uncover the specific issues, as it is an advantage not to be part of the culture and the issue yourself.

Click here to contact us for a non-binding dialogue about your current situation and how we can best help you further.

We can contribute with development-oriented and sustainable recruitment that considers a changing working life and with room for innovation in the way we attract candidates and at the same time work with your company.

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We contribute to your organisation gaining a better insight into your company’s culture and achieving a strengthened foundation for organisational changes.

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HJORT & FRØIK contributes and supports you and your company in your work to create a healthy working life in balance with an increased focus on psychosocial work environment, well-being, job satisfaction and with room for diversity.

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Mental Health

When we talk about psychosocial work environment and well-being, we should also deal with mental health, as we know from research that mental health has a big impact on well-being and sickness absence. Studies show that mental health problems are the cause of a significant part of total sickness absence (26% – 48%).

Many employees experience stress, anxiety, or depression during their working life. It can be about various conditions which can be related to or outside the workplace. It can therefore be difficult for the individual company to know exactly which efforts should be prioritised.

A study in the connection between stress and subsequent absence shows that employees who indicate that they have felt stressed within the last two weeks have significantly fewer working days, more sick leave and more days of unemployment in the following four years.

If not taken seriously, stress can have major personal consequences, and many find it difficult to fully recover from it. In addition to the personal consequences, there are financial consequences for the company in the form of higher sickness absence.

Since the specific causes of stress are often not known and clear to the person concerned and the workplace, it is about jointly creating an open and responsible work culture with a focus on well-being and a spacious working environment. Here you can open up to talk about what it is that can cause stress and what it does to you. Increased awareness can thus contribute to better working communities with room for who we are.

If further personal clarification is needed, we refer to, where you can read more about our services within, among other things, stress management.