Recruitment and Working Life
We can contribute with development-oriented and sustainable recruitment that considers a changing working life and with room for innovation in the way we attract candidates and at the same time work with your company.
From our perspective and experience, the decisive factors for success in recruitment lie in the ability to see, understand and master the various social, professional, personal, managerial, organisational and cultural parameters, all of which have an impact on which competencies are needed in a given organisation and in relation to a given task.
In other words, there are many different considerations, which at the same time have a great impact on the candidate market from which we must recruit new employees. The candidate market is a clear reflection of society’s trends and tendencies, which are in continuous change, and where candidates want a working life that gives meaning, influence and professional development.
It’s no secret that everyone wants the best qualified employees, but what is being the best qualified and how do you analyse it? In addition to cognitive, professional and personal abilities and qualifications as well as experience, there are many social and work-related factors that have an impact on our working life, professionalism and personal development. This makes recruitment a complex task.
With this basic assumption and understanding, we build a recruitment foundation in each individual case, which is the basis for us to assess suitable candidates and for us to illustrate to the candidates a more nuanced picture of the company’s organisation, culture, environment, management, colleagues and not least tasks and responsibilities.
A New Recruitment Holds the Potential for Development
Often, a recruitment need seen as a shortage situation, where the missing employee(s) must be replaced as soon as possible so that daily operations can continue as undisturbed as possible.
Although it is of course important to replace missing employees, we see the need for one or more new employees wider than just a shortage situation. We believe that any new hiring has the potential for the manager to fine-tune the organisation or perhaps continue ongoing adjustments in the organisation’s competencies, focus, organisation, culture, and/or other relevant business parameters. It requires that one chooses to approach the attraction of candidates, the recruitment process and the subsequent onboarding process in a development-oriented and sustainable way.
As unemployment decline and competition for employees with a number of specific competencies and qualifications increase, as well as the younger generations’ increasing demands for purpose and development opportunities in their professional lives, companies’ needs increase correspondingly to offer candidates an attractive working place and job content with opportunity for development in order to create a broader field of candidates and at the same time to be able to bring new employees up-to-speed faster in relation to becoming a productive asset for the company. For us, this need goes hand in hand with a development-oriented approach to attracting candidates, the recruitment process and the subsequent onboarding process.
Development-oriented Search & Selection Increases Productivity
HJORT & FRØIK’s basic philosophy is that people and thereby organizations thrive on and unfold their motivation, collaboration and competencies through development. Therefore, we humans will continuously naturally look for new challenges, and when the development opportunities are limited, we will either come to terms with the situation and stay in an everyday life with slowly and gradually decreasing motivation – or search further towards new challenges and development opportunities. Seen in this light, some replacement in an organisation (or in a fine word: staff turnover) is not just natural, but also inevitable.
However, it is also our experience that the employees’ productive time in the organisation can be increased considerably and at the same time have a indirect effect on the existing organisation through a development-oriented approach to talent attraction and onboarding – by being able to attract and focus on the right talents and set the right mindset.
Competent and Motivated Candidates
HJORT & FRØIK’s goal is that our customers can attract competent and motivated candidates with qualifications, personal profile, personal values and norms that match the company’s business, strategy, culture and work environment, and that our customers can quickly and efficiently integrate the new employee into their organisation, so that the new employee feels welcome, experiences to fit in well, experiences that tasks are developing and exciting, and that the employee can quickly contribute independently and productively to the organisation within his job area.
In this way, we also achieve that the employment of the new employee will not stand alone, but is an integral part of the goals and directions that the company has set. Not only can a new employee make a difference, but by creating positive dynamics between the new employee and the company’s existing organisation – and in the long run other new employees – the company gets a powerful tool to realise its goals and strategies.